I'm Milan
I'm Milan
I'm a self taught Product Designer based out of India. Sometimes I dabble with code. Currently designing consumer experiences at Zepto.
I'm a self taught Product Designer based out of India. Sometimes I dabble with code. Currently designing consumer experiences at Zepto.
Selected Work
Selected Work
Consumer design projects from Swiggy and a few passion projects.
Consumer design projects from Swiggy and a few passion projects.
Stuff I Write
Stuff I Write
My philosophy is learning by doing. I believe that action generates motivation which creates inspiration.
My philosophy is learning by doing. I believe that action generates motivation which creates inspiration.
Last year I spoke at
Last year I spoke at
Figma Config
Figma Config
Talked about building Figma plugins to automate repeat, time-consuming tasks and tackle workflow challenges in design teams.
Talked about building Figma plugins to automate repeat, time-consuming tasks and tackle workflow challenges in design teams.
Design Workshops
Design Workshops
Snippets from
Snippets from
Designing Delight into
products with Motion Design: HelloMeets Workshop
Designing Delight into products with Motion Design: HelloMeets Workshop
Designing Delight with Motion: HelloMeets

Live App Design in Figma: GrowthSchool
Live App Design in Figma: GrowthSchool
Live App Design in Figma: GrowthSchool

Say Hello!
Say Hello!
Have an opportunity, wanna collaborate on something cool or just say hello!
Have an opportunity, wanna collaborate on something cool or just say hello!