Learning about a unique culture

Learning about a unique culture

Jul 29, 2021

Jul 29, 2021

So last week I took some time off and was travelling. Hidden among the Himalayas, I found one of the most beautiful and strange places ever- the Malana village. Why strange? To start with, you aren't allowed to touch the people of this village, their places or belongings!

Some core areas of the village are totally prohibited for outsiders.

Let me tell you the full story...

This place is near the hill station Kasol. A car ride of abt an hour and a short trek later, we reached Waichin- a valley little away from the village where we stayed.

According to a local guide, the villagers believe that they're direct descendants of Alexander the Great. And belong to a superior race of humans above the rest of us!

They worship an unknown deity and live without any connection to the outside world whatsoever.

Even the Indian government respects their culture and prohibits the intervention of tourists, police, jurisdiction in this village. In a way, they've been living in their own little country within India.

During our trek the next day, we observed some farmers and shepherds passing by. Although they seemed friendly, they were reluctant to allow taking pictures. Probably because they didn't want the outside world to know too much about them.

Guess what's most grown here- not veggies or fruits, but hash! That's right. There are weed fields everywhere you see. Although I don't smoke, the 'Malana Cream' is one of the best quality and only kind in the world. As told proudly by one of the shepherds, from a distance.

I was curious to know how the children here pursue their studies, or what if someone from the village wants to explore the outside world. Came to know there are 2 schools in the village each manned by a single teacher. Although no one has yet completed the 12th standard.

If someone wants to go outside they are free to do so, but then they aren't allowed back in the community. They become like the rest of the world to the remaining villagers and they won't touch them either.

It's so fascinating to know there are people living completely isolated yet self-sufficient and happy on their own. They don't want to change the world or experience everything for a fulfilling life. They're just doing what they love in a closed, connected community.

As soon as I got home I couldn't stop thinking about it and poured my thoughts on a notion doc. Thanks for reading till here. Cheers!

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